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Short Term Missions
Past Short-Term Missions Trip
Arrowhead Native Bible Center
In September 2023, we had a short term missions team help out one of our missionary partners at Arrowhead Native Bible Center. Check out the video recap from their trip!
Our Missionary Family
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In Canada

From its very beginnings in 1988, the vision for Arrowhead has been that it serve as a resource for the service of the Gospel. The missionaries, at that time, met on the new property and prayed together that it would always be used for the ultimate purpose of communicating the gospel inter culturally. Although we are often referred to as a Bible Camp, the intention has always been that it serve as a ministry centre, serving in a variety of capacities. In addition to our first love, our summer camps, many of our new ministries reflect a desire to see the Gospel proclaimed. Grant & Elizabeth Fawcett lead at Arrowhead. It is the Fawcett’s desire to see the Gospel communicated well, Scripture to be held high and Christ to be central to everything.

Tim is changing the future of theological education. Tim serves with Horizon Education Network as the Director of Educational Technology and with the International Council for Evangelical Theological Education as the Director of Digital Ecology. From his home base in Canada, Tim supports and consults with seminaries and training organizations worldwide. Tim is a single Father, to 6 children, who are finding their way in the world, and as they serve the Lord in their own ways.

Bill and Judy serve the Lord here in Canada, while supporting the Slavic countries and the Pastors there. The focus is to sponsor national evangelical church planters who are sent by their own churches to unreached communities in the CIS. These church planters know the language, history, culture and other important dynamics of ministry to their people. The sponsoring of national evangelist-church planters is also the most cost-effective way to bring the Gospel into areas where no organized evangelical witness exists. Bill has made many trips to Ukraine and surrounding countries, to facilitate the support of church planters and Pastors.

Child Evangelism Fellowship and Heritage Bible College both work with our "youth" in SW Ontario. CEF: Ivhan Rusli serves as the Provincial Director. The CEF Ontario camp is located near Paris, ONT. They host camps year round, for children from the inner city. Their mission is to evangelize boys and girls with the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, disciple them in the Word of God, and establish them in the local church.

Information is restricted, due to the nature of their location and work in serving the Lord.

Henry de Roos has been a missionary evangelist with OAC Canada since 1996 and been their Canadian Director since 2004. He and his wife Kara have been blessed with 8 children. Henry’s ministry has always been multi-faceted. He is involved with the following: Regular weekly outdoor outreaches…..reaching the masses and new immigrants in the parks, and tourist areas with creative preaching with an art easel. In addition, he and his volunteers give testimonies, singing, short Gospel dramas, one-on-one counselling, and Bible/literature distribution. Evangelism training (personal and for the whole church) Children’s ministries (vbs, Awana kick off programs) Regular and Special church evangelistic community events Apologetic seminars Ministry outreach to the Amish communities . Creation to Christ seminars for churches and public high school world religion classes.

Our purpose is to present the Word of God, to the boys & girls in Elgin County, in such a way as they might understand how much God loves them. That they would also know that God sent His only Son to pay for their sins that we might ask for forgiveness and have eternal life with Him! In cooperation with parents, We strive to :
provide education and assistance to children in area of moral and spiritual guidance in a manner which is beneficial to the child and to the community.
Help children become better citizens through a knowledge of the Bible and its principles.
Organize banquets, rallies and seminars for religious and educational purposes. * assist churches by providing teachers and other aids for their Christian Education programs.
Conduct Bible clubs whenever and wherever possible to achieve these aims.

Hugo is Coordinator with the Fellowship and Mission Quebec. He works one day a week as the Fellowship's French ministries coordinator and it is first and foremost about relationships. Regional conferences greatly facilitate this central aspect of the role. Hugo is "Pastor" to a growing church, Riviere-des-Prairies Renaissance Church.

Rayburn began working with YFC in 1993 developing a Youth Centre ministry in Tillsonburg. He accepted the role of Associate Director for SWO YFC in 2000. In 2007 he became the Director of Development for SWO YFC. As of 2014 Rayburn returned half time as Satellite Director for Tillsonburg while continuing as Director of Development for the chapter. He loves seeing the lives of young people transformed through the ministry of Youth Unlimited YFC.

National churches worldwide require a church-based solution for leadership development. 95% of pastors have no formal training (Joshua Project), LeadersFormation is one way this is being done. Through LeadersFormation, our church partners together with other Fellowship churches in Ontario to train pastors and missionaries in areas of the world where there are no seminaries or Bible colleges. Once a year, a pastor or leader travels for week-long cohorts of discipleship training with the goal of equipping local, indigenous pastors and missionaries to disciple others. A LeadersFormation cohort typically lasts for 5 years. Before the end of the 5 years, the national pastors have already started their own cohorts discipling other pastors and Christian workers themselves. It's a beautiful picture of the Great Commission in action: Disciples who make disciples who make disciples of all nations.

Jocelyn is passionate about global missions and is carrying out the call to "make disciples of all nations" right here on Canadian campuses, partnering with Power to Change. She has been reaching out to "the foreigner" and international people in her community since middle school which makes engaging in International Student ministry a natural step. The heart behind her outreach is that of 1 Thessalonians 2:8: "Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well." Thank you for partnering with her though financial support! You make it possible for Jocelyn to serve on campus.

SEMBEQ exists to assist in raising up the next generation of Christians in Quebec. Specifically, SEMBEQ acts as a tool of the local churches in the training of their members and leaders. As a context-based and church-based seminary, most of SEMBEQ’s courses are taught within local churches. In some cases, a regional center will host courses that bring several churches together for the training. It is a way for a Pastor to be trained in segments, allowing him to continue serving in his local church.

Dave came to serve as Ministry Staff with YFC after serving at a church in town for 3 years. Dave also served as a volunteer at the Upper Deck and then as a Steering Committee member. He has a desire to build connections with young people and see them come to know Jesus as their personal Saviour. Dave and Jody live in Tillsonburg and are parents of 4 daughters.

John has served as ABWE President since December 2021. Originally from southern Ontario, John and his wife Jacky served as ABWE Canada missionaries in Ukraine for over 22 years. During that time, they helped to plant two churches. John was a team leader and mentored Ukrainian church planters. He co-founded and was President of the Church Ministries Institute. After turning over these ministries to local leadership in 2016, they moved to ABWE’s International Headquarters in Pennsylvania. There, Jacky continued to participate in outreach ministries, and John served on the Senior Leadership Team as Vice President of Training & Resources.

In September 2015, God, in his grace, led Stephan and Nancy, to the Church in Saint-Hyacinthe to be trained as a church planting couple. They could then be part of the church planting team in Beloeil. By devoting two days a week for five years to his studies, Stephan completed his baccalaureate in theology from SEMBEQ, specializing in church planting. Beloeil is a picturesque town located in the heart of the Richelieu Valley, between Saint-Hyacinthe and Montreal. This region’s population of approximately 120,000 has a rather negative perception of the Church and is in great need of the Gospel. People need to see Jesus displayed in the lives of his disciples to be drawn to Christ. The missionary project in Beloeil started in 2016 with small communities of believers on mission in the city. These missional groups began to bless and love people, offering their time, money, and talents. God has blessed us! Since October 2019, the missionary project has become a growing church planting project. Stephan and Nancy are parents of 3 young children.

Steve Twinem is presently the church relations director for Pioneers Canada a mission agency whose goal is “mobilizing teams to initiate church planting movements among the unreached.” Steve and Lisa have been married and in ministry together for 27 years. Steve was a pastor for 12 years in Canada (and serves now as pastor of Truth Community Church, Thamesford) Along with their four children they spent 15 years in Peru where they were involved with training church leaders, evangelism/discipleship and orphanage ministry. Their youngest, Nate lives at home as their three daughters are married, working and studying (in that order) and their oldest has two children of her own moving them into the grand parent category. Steve enjoys studying and preaching God’s word with the knowledge that the Christ through His gospel transforms our lives and will continue to until He comes again.
Foreign Missions

Chris and Karyn were married in 2011, joined MAF in 2013 ahave served the Lord for 10 years in Juba, despite the many hardships of serving in such a challenging program. Chris is a pilot with MAF, serving the area, flying for many different NGO organizations. Chris just flew his last flight for MAF, and the family will be coming back to Canada in the Fall of 2024. Karyn will continue working with MAF as a Member Care provider.

Scott and Andrea serve the Lord in Ireland. Their goal is to see Irish discipling Irish, building up the body of Christ across the island. They work to establish relationships either one on one, in group settings, in the church, at the Limerick Christian Centre, their home, wherever a door is open to share God’s word and help them understand what they believe & building solid biblical foundations. Once discipled, they will then equip them begin to disciple others, becoming their mentors and guiding them in the process. Their goal is never to replace Irish leadership but rather to support the current leaders, to start a movement of disciplers that will exist in Ireland regardless if we are present or not.

E & G. are working to bring a written language and ultimately a written Bible to the Joma people. We praise God that the Gospel like leaven has been slowly spreading throughout so many areas of this country and particularly among the Joma! So when you worship in your local congregation, know that there are many Joma believers who are joining in and praising God with you!

Following a year home assignment (May 2019-2020), the Flemings returned to Hitachinaka, Ibaraki, Japan. Rob is using his gift of preaching in six area churches, encouraging the congregations as well as the leaders. Kathryn is involved in outreach through “Discovery Bible Studies” with ladies in the community. Both Rob and Kathryn are part of the local community and desire to start conversations with people that will encourage them to consider the love of God. Member care and mentoring new missionaries is another area in which they are involved. Rob and Kathryn have three adult children, two near Toronto, and one in the Philippines.

Pastor Igor serves the Lord faithfully in his home country, Ukraine. He is tireless in his ministry and Valentina serves alongside him. From Igor: Dear brothers and sisters, thank you all for your support for me, my family and the church. Thank you for being with us. May God’s love and mercy always be with you! We hug everyone.

J. is a teacher in Christian School Education in North Africa. Information is restricted, due to the nature of their location and work in serving the Lord.

Terry and Joanie served as missionaries in Pakistan for 24 years, Three Hills, AB became home in February 2018 after having to leave Pakistan. Terry serves as a global missions coach to several denominations and missional organizations in Ethiopia where his focus is mobilization and leadership development. In the Fall of 2024, Lord willing, they will move to Germany, to be closer for travelling to Ethiopia regularly.

Steve and Jacquie's main ministry is at Christian Academy in Japan, a school established for the children of missionaries. They both serve on the leadership team of the school. Steve is the facilities coordinator. Jacquie was the elementary school principal until June, 2018 and as of July 2018 serves as the director of school support services (supporting homeschooling families across Japan and affiliate schools in the area of educational consulting) Their secondary ministry is involvement in a church plant in downtown Tokyo. Steve serves on the leadership council and worship team. Jacquie is involved with the welcome team and discipleship. Steve has an evangelistic/friendship ministry to the jet skiing community, a subculture in Japan.